3 Common Signs You Are Not Getting Enough Vitamins


So what happens when your body misses out on key vitamins and minerals?

Everybody knows how important vitamins and minerals are to keep the body healthy. But do you know whether your body is getting all the required vitamins that it needs?

As per doctors, if your body is deficient in certain vitamins and minerals, it will definitely indicate certain signs of distress. Thankfully though, the good news remains that if you take adequate steps to address these deficiencies, your symptoms will either improve or get completely eradicated.

Here are some of the major red-flag scenarios of vitamin deficiency in the body, and ways to reverse them if found.

  1. Severe hair loss

While it is common to lose about 100 strands of hair in a day, if you find sudden clumps of hair on your pillow or in your shower’s drain, understand that you might need to visit a doctor. Hair loss could be a sign of a bigger issue, one such being low iron levels. Lower levels of iron can reduce your body’s energy levels. This could also indicate a thyroid disease, answering unexplained weight gain or weight loss.

If your iron levels are low, you might frequently feel cold, experience headaches, or feel dizzy. A thyroid disorder, on the other hand, can make your muscles weak, ache your joints, and turn your skin dry and pale.

Taking an adequate amount of multivitamins for women can help eliminate iron deficiency in the body. Generally, men over 18 years require 8 mg of iron a day and women require 18 mg. Your body might take three to four months to remedy this deficiency, but it is feasible.

  1. When your wounds are slow to heal

Despite being diligent while brushing and flossing your mouth, if your gums are still red, swollen or bleeding, chances are your body is deficient in vitamin C. Another clear sign of vitamin C deficiency is when your body easily develops bruises from minor incidents.

Vitamin C is an important supplement that pulls the cells together to heal the wounds. Vitamin C is a potent nutrient, which can also serve as an anti-inflammatory agent. Additionally, this vitamin can also act as an antioxidant that can limit damage to the cells.

To boost your vitamin C levels, you need to first quit smoking if you are a smoker. This is because smoking limits your body’s ability to absorb vitamin C. Moreover, fruits and vegetables, such as kiwi, red bell peppers and oranges are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the best vitamins for women and adults should get about 60 mg of vitamin C a day.

  1. Irregular heartbeat

Doctors state that calcium plays a vital role in regulating your heartbeat. Therefore, a deficiency in vitamin D can result in arrhythmia, uneven heartbeat, or even chest pains. Meanwhile, your body indicates several signs when it does not get sufficient calcium.

Experiencing frequent twitches around your face and mouth is a sign of calcium deficiency. Calcium allows the muscles to contract and release properly. Calcium is an important mineral that can soothe muscle cramps. So if your calcium intake is poor, your muscles will continue to twitch and won’t fully relax.

As we all know it, one of the best sources of calcium is milk and its byproducts. Other than milk, some calcium-rich food items include salmon and sardines (both of these are packed with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids), broccoli, and bok choi. The recommended amount of calcium that adults generally require is 1,000 mg a day. This can be obtained either from food sources or through supplements.


Ideally, your body should get all the required nutrients, vitamins, and minerals from your daily consumption of food. When your diet fails to fulfill this component, you need to rely on additional nutritional supplements to make sure that your body does not go off track. Vitamin and mineral supplements are very easily available these days. You can also order your required set of nutrition from an online supplement store.