4 Ways Traffic Law Can Ruin Your Day—And How to Avoid Them


Traffic law may not hold the same degree of public respect as other legal fields, but it’s one of the most relevant and important when it comes to day-to-day activities. Anyone that uses public roads is subject to local laws regarding driving behavior and vehicle maintenance. Failing to understand or follow these rules is usually punished by a relatively minor fine, but some violations can become a financial and administrative nightmare to resolve.

Higher Insurance Costs

Most traffic law violations result in a fine and addition of points to your license. The number of points depends on the severity of the misconduct, so exceeding the posted speed limit by 30 miles an hour can be twice as many points as going 10 over. Even though some insurance companies maintain a forgiveness program for first-time or occasional violations, more points on a license generally translates into higher automotive insurance prices and may impact life insurance policies as well.

License Suspension

Many people depend on their car to keep their job, get their kids to school and fulfill the other essential responsibilities they have. Getting too many points within a set time-frame or committing a severe violation, like driving under the influence (DUI), can result in suspension of your driver’s license. The best way to avoid suspension is to follow traffic laws and be mindful of any current points on your license.

Lost Job Opportunities

Failing to follow the rules of the road not only risks your current job, it can jeopardize future career paths as well. Many companies that employ drivers carefully examine driving records of current workers and applicants to ensure they can safely pilot company vehicles. Any report of excessive speeding, reckless behavior or other inappropriate driving behavior can limit eligibility for job opportunities in these occupations.

Mandatory Classes or Therapy

It’s easy to get frustrated or even angry at other drivers, but this attitude should never impact driving technique or safety. Drivers who commit violations out of anger or other emotional instability may be required to attend emotion management classes or other forms of behavioral therapy before getting their license back. Individuals convicted of drunk driving are often required to participate in counseling or meetings to address potential substance abuse.

Traffic law is violated and enforced on a daily basis around the country. All drivers are subject to it, so everyone behind the wheel should know how their actions could impact the rest of their lives. When facing charges for any kind of serious offense, drivers should consult with a professional attorney to discuss their legal options.