Culinary Craft: How to Make Each Meal Something Special


A meal should be something that’s about more than just the food. You want to make it a special time that the whole family looks forward to each day. Here are some techniques that you can employ in order to make each meal something to be enjoyed and savored.

Embrace Choice

The types of food that you serve may not agree with everyone’s palate. This doesn’t mean that you need to make a separate meal for each person in your family. Embracing the idea of choice means that you incorporate a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables as a side dish to the main course. Be flexible when it comes to your serving options. For example, having the sauce on the side can eliminate those mealtime battles resulting from your kids refusing to have it on their noodles.

Dress it Up

How you serve your meal plays a role in the perception of the dining experience. For example, using farmhouse pottery can work to dress up the occasion and make it feel a little bit more special. Selecting unique plates and bowls can help to improve the ambiance of your dining table. You may want to let each member of the family choose their own design so that they can feel as though mealtime is something to enjoy together.

Be Inclusive

Meal planning and preparation doesn’t have to be something that you struggle with each day. Include the whole family in this process so that you can vary the menu. It will also allow your kids to get a better sense of the time and effort that goes into each meal. They’re more likely to eat what you serve if they feel as though they helped to contribute. Another benefit is that it alleviates some of the stress that can be associated with trying to plan out the perfect family meals.

Encourage Interactions

Mealtime is supposed to be one that allows you to reconnect with your family. Encourage conversation and less screen time at the table. The food is only part of the experience that makes your meals special. It’s the interactions and bonds that you form that are more likely to last in your memory than the type of food that was served. Fostering dialogue is a healthy way to let the stresses of the day go.

You don’t have to be a gourmet chef in order to create meals that the whole family enjoys. Use these strategies to help you craft a true culinary experience.