How to Evaluate Your Business for Potential Growth Opportunities

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There are usually many different avenues for business growth at any given time, which can make it difficult to actually choose the right path. That’s why leaders should develop the skills and understanding needed to evaluate their company’s potential growth opportunities. Timing is a big part of the picture too, which requires a level of experience and knowledge of key challenges facing the company.

Take Stock

Before doing any serious evaluation of opportunity you need to take stock of your company’s current state. This includes a full and comprehensive overview of finances, personnel, and current strategy. It also means taking stock of the plans, ambitions and goals put forth by the company’s leadership. You need to know what resources and options are available before you can really discern what opportunities are right for you.

Understand Your Market Environment 

The first step in evaluating your business for potential growth is understanding the market environment in which it operates. You need to know who your competitors are, what their strategies are, and how they are performing relative to yours. Knowing this information will help you determine where there may be gaps in the market that you can exploit or areas where your business could stand out from the competition. 

Analyze Your Resources 

Once you have a good understanding of the external environment, the next step is to analyze your internal resources. Take a look at your strengths and weaknesses—both from a product/service perspective as well as from an organizational standpoint—and determine how these factors impact your ability to capitalize on new opportunities. Are there any areas where you could invest more resources? Are there any processes or systems that need to be improved in order for you to capitalize on new opportunities? These questions should all be considered when evaluating your business for potential growth opportunities. 

Look for New Opportunities 

Finally, once you have done the necessary research and analysis, it’s time to start looking for new opportunities that may exist within your market space. This could involve exploring different markets or customer segments, launching new products/services, entering into strategic partnerships with other businesses, or expanding into different geographical regions. Whatever opportunity you decide to pursue, make sure that it aligns with both your overall business goals as well as any specific objectives that have been set forth by management.   

Encourage Discussion

One of the most important aspects of business planning is consultation. Decision makers may talk with their peers, bring in external consultants or create internal task forces comprised of employees from different positions within the organization. Brainstorming and thoughtful discussion between informed parties can be very beneficial or even transformative to a growing business. Leaders may need to make a conscious decision to step back and let others drive some of the conversations.

There are a few things to expect when working with a business consultant. By knowing what to expect, you can be better prepared so that you can get more out of a meeting with them. Here are a few things to expect.

Strategy and Planning 

A good business consultant will work with you to develop an effective strategy for achieving your goals. They can help you identify potential obstacles and suggest solutions that will increase efficiency and profitability. They can also review existing plans and provide feedback on how they might be improved upon. This is especially beneficial if your plan has been in place for some time, as it helps ensure that it still meets the needs of your organization. 

Expertise and Resources 

Business consultants offer expertise and resources that may not be available within your organization. Many consultants have access to industry-specific data or specialized knowledge that can give you an edge over competitors. Their resources may also include contacts within the industry that could be beneficial when looking for new partners or suppliers, or when seeking outside funding sources. 


One of the key advantages of hiring a consultant is their flexibility. Most consultants are available on short notice and are willing to travel if necessary. This allows them to work around any schedule conflicts or other commitments that may arise during the course of their duties. Additionally, most consultants charge by the hour rather than by project, so you don’t have to worry about budgeting long-term contracts or paying for services when they aren’t needed anymore.  

Embrace Process Improvement

Process improvement is a type of strategic, procedural thinking that involves continuous improvement of internal processes. The real purpose of this kind of improvement is to consistently cut away from inefficiency, which frees up more resources for growth. This kind of approach can also have a beneficial cultural impact on the company by encouraging participation, effective management, and informed decisions.

Assess the Risks

Opportunity and risk go together. Any opportunity taken carries the risk of not taking the other choices available, not to mention the cost and potential for failure of the given choice. Business leaders shouldn’t let a fear of risk cloud their judgment, but they do need to understand that they do exist and need to be analyzed before moving forward. A complete and honest risk assessment should always accompany a proposition for major changes in a company’s dynamics.

Identifying Risk Factors 

The first step to managing your business’s risk is identifying where potential risks lie. Common sources of risk include financial loss due to poor investments, legal liabilities resulting from negligence or other issues, natural disasters, changes in the industry or economy, employee turnover, and more. It’s important to assess the likelihood of these risks occurring as well as the potential severity of any losses. 

Creating a Risk Mitigation Plan 

Once you’ve identified your company’s risk factors, it’s time to create a plan for mitigating those risks. This could involve purchasing insurance policies or investing in protective measures such as firewalls or backup systems. It might also mean putting procedures in place to minimize the impact of employee turnovers—such as offering competitive salaries and benefits packages—or creating contingency plans for handling natural disasters or unexpected events. 

Developing an Internal Risk Management Team 

Having an internal team dedicated to assessing and managing risk can be invaluable when it comes to protecting your business from unexpected losses. This team should be composed of representatives from each department within your organization who are familiar with their respective areas of expertise as well as overall company operations and goals. The team should meet regularly (at least quarterly) to review existing risk management plans, identify new risks and develop strategies for dealing with them. 

Evaluating your business for growth requires real research and a willingness to change familiar things. Growth can be a painful and difficult process at times. Maintaining the status quo may feel comfortable for some, but stagnation will eventually lead to failure. That’s why successful business leaders are always growth-minded and are vigilant for new opportunities.