How to Prepare Yourself Mentally and Physically for Prison?


If you are heading to the federal prison, then it’s important for you to get fully prepared. Because the time is limited, you need to make sure to use the opportunity. From the moment police officers put you in handcuffs, you have lost your freedom. The waiting time can be nerve wracking and if you have been convicted, it is time to get properly prepared. This way, your life behind bars can be much more bearable. First of all, you need to do some mental preparation. The news of your indictment can make you sad or even depressed. Even if your mental state hasn’t been too great, you should feel mentally prepared for what lies ahead. It is acceptable if you have trouble eating and sleeping, because people who are about to go the prison will feel like a nervous wreck. However, most of the time, you put yourself in this position and you shouldn’t think that life isn’t fair.

You should accept that you are going to prison and it may not be as bad as what you expected. Fear is warranted, but you shouldn’t start blaming judge, the opposing lawyer and yourself. You should allocate your mental energy to ensure that you are fully prepared to serve time in prison. It is crucial that you can achieve the proper mental state. You should look only at the positive things, regardless of your gloomy situation. Unless you are incarcerated due to severe crime, you may serve less than three years in prison. Before going to the prison, you may feel anger, hopelessness, shame, despair and even shock. Even so, you need to look at the bigger picture and calm down. It means that you need to accept your situation and the indictment that is handed to you. You should be prepared for the potentially drastic changes in your lives. If family and friends come forward to offer encouragement and words of supports, you should show them gratitude and true appreciation.

You should have the physical preparation for your time in prison. In fact, good physical condition reflects your mental state. If you are feeling weak and lethargic, it will be much easier to become depressed. You should force yourself do physically active tasks inside the jail, such as push-ups or jumping. Physical activities should help you to release any pent up stress. If it is still months before the actual sentencing, then you have enough time to achieve reasonable physical condition. Ask guards whether you can do more intense fitness regime, such as weight lifting. It is a good thing if you can put on a couple extra pounds of muscle. The way you are treated in the prison could depend on your physical appearance. If you appear fit and seem to be able hold your own in a fight, it will be less likely for you to become a target. If you have been using Valium or Xanax to reduce anxiety symptoms, then you should slowly wean yourself. These drugs are given to inmates only for extraordinary situations.