Impact Of Covid 19 On Financial Management Services


The repercussions of the COVID-19 epidemic are being monitored and dealt with by financial management services all across the world. Since the lockdowns began, practically all workers of financial services organizations have been working remotely from their homes, which has resulted in many people working outside of their native nation.

In this article, the impact of the COVID-19 on the financial management services sector is examined, with a focus on the key issues they confront.

Business Continuity

The need for and steps are taken to activate business continuity plans/programs differ depending on the location of operations. Financial management services are prioritizing employee well-being, and an unprecedented amount of effort and action is seen in the deployment of business continuity measures and alternate work arrangements. 

Financial management services are reviewing circumstances in real-time and enabling resources to be shared across global / multi-location operations, business divisions, offshore delivery centers, and captives. 

They’re also coordinating with business partners and technology providers to increase supply and support to satisfy, at the very least, the essential and reasonable expectations of clients.

Maintaining Support

Financial and capital markets around the world are substantially impacted, as are the financial health, portfolios, and savings of clients. For a huge number of regular and institutional investors, investments are under stress and have shifted southward. 

Non-essential services and business establishments have been closed or halted entirely or partially, limiting income flows to a small number of earners. 

Globally, financial management services are proactively supporting and servicing clients to their maximum accessible and workable capacity and capabilities, which includes, but is not limited to, regular client communication, transactions, and trade enablement, as well as providing and educating clients on self-service tools.

Preserving Value for the Client

Continuous economic hardship, a bearish capital market, unprecedented levels of volatility, decreasing interest rates, greater risk aversion, and spreads, and a rise in delinquencies have begun to put pressure on financial management services’ revenue-generating capacity and, going forward, solvency.

Developing New Business Models

COVID-19 has compelled financial management services to experiment with innovative methods of operation. 

The resultant key considerations are building business resilience, driven by digital agility and technology adoption; developing a robust framework and preparedness for events like COVID-19; and preparing/hunting for new opportunities arising out of specific needs and sector-wide consolidations themes.

Steady Communication

Amid widespread doubts and assumptions among stakeholders, an organization’s key job is to connect and communicate. Financial management services have handled this effectively, and the majority of them have been proactive in maintaining openness, maintaining communication, and making announcements through all available platforms, from traditional business memos to modern social media.

Final thoughts

Financial management institutions, like other businesses, are grappling with a slew of difficulties relating to operations, staff, client service, stakeholder management, business efficiency, profitability, company resilience, and preparedness and viability for COVID-19-style situations. 

Financial service providers around the world are taking a variety of steps to negotiate these obstacles and mitigate the crisis’ impact while maintaining business continuity and solvency.

Although the nature of COVID-19 is the same across countries, the severity of the disease varies. As a result, authorities are deciding action plans, and the majority of them have taken proactive actions to prevent, cure, and close loopholes while working around stimulus to reduce the impact on individuals, communities, markets, and the economy as a whole. 

So far, financial management services have responded effectively, and they are increasingly innovating and working toward solutions that may / will assist them in adjusting to this new normal, while also establishing a durable and future-proof business model.

They must continue to design a strategic response to COVID-19’s impact on banking over the short, medium, and long term by embracing the right digital technology enablers and innovations underpinned by agile delivery models.