Role of Friends at College Law



Friends become an essential part of life given the fact that you spend many years at college.You will make several new friends in college, many of who will leave you half way through. Therefore, it is very necessary to recognize the true friend because they tend to stay with you in your good and bad times. Take your time to build an appropriate group of friends who you can always approach and who you think you can trust.

Friends can help you deal with a lot of things due to which you might not need to take sleeping pills or buy essay help online to fix the problems. Following are some reasons why friends make your life at college worthwhile:

  • Physical, mental and moral support: Some matters arise in college that you may not be able to share with family. These matters are to be shared with friends because they are the ones to provide you with great advice and support. No matter what time of the day or night is and no matter how busy your friends are with their exams or assignments, they will be there when you need them. So this is one important role of friends in your college life.
  • Frequent after college plans: Without college friends, your life could be very boring with a typical routine of going to college, taking classes and coming back home. If you have a good group of friends, frequent plans are made to hang out for lunch, dinner or desserts and such plans are necessary to have a pleasant time at college. Although you might go out with family but that happens rarely and there is a different kind of fun with friends. So this is another reason why friends are important in college life.
  • Group projects become fun and easier: College friends will usually be in the same batch as yours and so it is a wise decision to enroll in same courses. As you enroll in the same courses, it becomes easier to make your group as you can include your friends in the group. Since there will be better understand among the group members, the project could be done in an efficient manner. Also, the group meetings will be less formal and hence more fun to attend.
  • Borrowing and lending many things: You will need to borrow a number of things during your time at college like accessories, clothing, charger, gadgets and so on. College days are usually financially difficult for students so they cannot just buy everything and hence borrowing and lending is a great option. Although you may borrow minor things from unknown people, some expensive things can only be obtained from close friends who trust you. Therefore, it is not necessary to keep your friends circle large but a few trustworthy and reliable friends are more than enough.
  • Sharing fare when going to places: If you go abroad for college, there is a high possibility that you will need to use cab to go to some places. When a group of friends travel together, the cab fare is shared and hence financial burden is reduced. Such savings are important at college because you might need to buy assignment online or spend on academic notes later in the semester.

Author bio: Steyn Michael is a budget analyst at a tobacco multinational corporation. He obtained his degree in Cost and management accounting and taught cost accounting courses at college for some years.